When I moved to the United States in 2008, it shocked me how much food wastage there was. Where I grew up, left-overs went to those who needed food, and left over left-overs went to the animals and compost. Thus throwing out food was literally foreign, until I moved to the States.
So… Here I am, 11 years later and find myself in a unique position where I can help those who feel the same. I can help move your food waste to create vibrant living soil, to help rejuvenate the lands around us and to bring renewal.
Instead of your ‘garbage’ going to landfills, imagine a world where you single handedly bring what is known as ‘living’ soil to your area. Soil that is alive with real nutrients and not synthetic fertilizers or chemicals. Soil that has an active biome, from worms and bugs to the microscopic. A soil that has a higher Cation exchange capacity (CEC) count because of the organic matter, which yields to a denser, richer soil, able to hold more water and nutrients before run off, which thus allows anything to be grown in an environment that is cheerleading it to be its best.
How can we partner? 1. At Wozani’s front gate we have a wheel barrow that you are welcome to drop off food waste, anytime Tuesdays through Fridays. This is a free service. 2. Door to door pick up. Compost will be picked up Once a week, Twice a month or monthly, depending on your need. This is a feature we are currently in the process of working on, and will be starting soon, based on demand. If this is something you’d like to see, please reply to this blog or reach out to us on instagram or facebook.
What we accept.
YES. Compostable
As our need grows, so will the items we accept.
Fruit and vegetable scraps
Pasta, bread, cereal
Cooked foods
Dairy products, egg shells
Coffee grounds, filters, & tea bags
Paper towels and paper towel rolls
Muffin wrappers
Candies, cookies and cake
Baking ingredients, herbs, spices
Household plants including soil
Not compostable, some items will be removed from this list in the future.
PLASTIC (unless labeled compostable)
Styrofoam meat trays
Aluminum foil
Clams, oysters, mussels (basically rocks)
Candles, synthetic corks and gum
Artificial flowers and plants
Rugs, carpets
Cigarette butts, tobacco
Dental floss and Q-tips
Baby wipes
Disposable mop sheets
Dryer lint sheets
Vacuum cleaner bags
Hair, pet fur, pet waste
Dead animals
Fireplace or BBQ ashes
Recyclable materials
Paper fast food packaging*
Soiled paper food packaging*
Flour and sugar bags*
Pizza boxes*
Meat, bones, fish products*
Paper plates*
*These Items may move to the compostable list in the future.